Document Management System is More Secure than Manual Storage

Document Management System

Astragraphia Document Solution – With the increasingly massive development of the current digital transformation or digital workspace trend, has your company started preparing and equipping it with the right IT technology solutions? It's time to get acquainted with the Document Management System (DMS), a document solution specifically designed to help enterprise scale companies start their digital transformation from the most basic thing, namely better records management. With the presence of technology such as the Document Management System, later we can improve the ability to manage company records more optimally.

How important is the actual implementation of this DMS application for enterprise scale companies? Astragraphia Document Solution will provide a complete explanation as follows.

Why is a Document Management System Needed

Astragraphia as the Leading Digital Workspace Partner in Indonesia presents intelligent document management solutions for the office segment, ranging from small, medium to large offices. Its main products are Multi-Function Devices (MFD) and laser printers in the Single Function Printer (SFP) and Multi-Function Printer (MFP) categories, including consumables from FUJIFILM Business Innovation. We also present digital (electronic) documents ranging from solutions that are already available on multifunction printers to solutions that provide added value that enable enterprise-scale customers to integrate their printers with corporate networks, such as Print Management, Workflow Management, Data Capture, Enterprise Content Management solutions, Cloud-Based Solution, and Document Management System.

READ: DocuShare, Digital Office Solutions for Various Industries

This time, Astragraphia will introduce a Document Management System to a company, no longer an option, but a necessity. The existence of the right appropriate technology to support business operations is very important. Commonly used DMS include Microsoft Sharepoint, Docushare, Opentext which can solve the following problems:

1. Speed ​​of Data Distribution Compared to Competitors

In the midst of increasingly competitive business competition, the ability to share data and information in seconds is needed. The problem is, not all companies are aware of this and still maintain the old way of managing document archives along with the information in them. Even though the risks are enormous, starting from the lack of productivity of the company's staff, disrupted business operations, to losing consumers because our company is considered unprofessional. The role of the Document Management System is needed, so that all delays in data distribution can be avoided with more optimal use of documents.

2. Unstable Archive Storage Quality

To be able to continue to use it optimally, the quality of archive storage that you have must remain stable. Of course, this is difficult to do manually, because the risk of documents being tucked in, lost or stolen is quite large, especially regarding documents with sensitive information values.Therefore, with a document management application such as a Document Management System, the quality of archive storage can be standardized in a SOP that is clearer and can be obeyed by all users.

3. Lack of Archive Management HR

Errors in the selection of HR in charge of managing records also often occur. Without clear qualifications and experience in the field of archiving, of course the wrong HR can cause bigger problems, namely the ineffectiveness of the documents used for business operations. This will not happen if you switch to using the Document Management System. This system allows you to manage the digital archive management process. Later, you can direct archival HR to better understand technology so that the use of documents and maintenance can be carried out quickly and efficiently.

4. Increasing the Quantity of Archives

For those of you who want to go global, of course the number of documents needed will increase dramatically. If this is left without technological support, what will happen next is the accumulation of archive volumes that are increasingly difficult to manage. That's why the Document Management System exists, so that all archives are available in digital format. That way, searching is easier and the space needed for archive storage can also be limited.


Benefits of Document Management System Solutions from Astragraphia for All Industrial Sectors

Whatever type of company you are, of course, a ready-to-use DMS application is needed to facilitate the migration process of archive management from physical to digital. It's time to get acquainted with the Document Management System solution from Astragraphia! Equipped with various advantages, of course your company will benefit. Some of these benefits include:

The UI/UX display is easy to understand and use

Complete features for all types of archive flows. A web-based application is available for access on various devices. The app is ready to use and can be customized. Not only that, Docushare is easy to use within the same corporate network, transforming from a hardware-based service provider to a solution-based service that covers all aspects of the document lifecycle, from input (creating, scanning, merging, editing, capturing), management digital documents (sharing, indexing, storing, archiving, distributing), to document output (printing, faxing, scanning, copying, emailing, viewing the web).

So, you don't need to worry anymore about the massive digital transformation trend that is happening in your work environment. With Docushare and other Document Management System solutions from Astragraphia, all your filing needs can be met. Interested in knowing more? Contact Halo Astragraphia Every Monday - Friday at 07.00 - 18.00 WIB.


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