Print Management System for Modernizing Company Operations

Yulius Gunawan - EDS Product Marketing

The development of digital technology is also utilized by multifunctional photocopier manufacturers, including Fuji Xerox products that already have a management system that capable to manage user authorization, including black and white and full-color print access. However, as time goes by, the need for more specific regulation of the use of multifunctional photocopiers is also increasing. That's why the role of the Print Management System is becoming increasingly important.

Print Management System solutions from Astragraphia Document Solution use three software to fulfilling the customer needs, namely ApeosWare Management Suite (AWMS) from Fuji Xerox; Ysoft SafeQ which is software from Europe; and Equitrac output from America. These three providers certainly have print management solutions with slightly different characters and features. This certainly needs to be consulted with Astragraphia by conducting a simple survey of the flow of documents within a company.

The benefits that can be obtained by the company's customers with the Print Management System include:

1. Integrated Device

Integration of multiple multifunction photocopiers at once, into one network. This makes it easy for employees to print documents from any machine, as long as they are in the same network. Information such as toner status or if there is an error can also be monitored to help the user with faster maintenance.

2. User Access / User Authentication

This user access functions to give authority to certain users to print (copy and print) black and white documents or colored documents. This feature will be helped by the settings that can be assisted by a systems analyst team from a multifunctional copier provider.

Report AWMS

3. Reporting

This function is related to user access /user authentication. Companies can easily get detailed data about how many documents that printed from each machine, who does the printing (from the user/department/project), which machine to use, to the number of black and white documents used.

4. Print Anywhere

Employees can easily send and take print jobs via email, to the machines with different floors or even different buildings as long as they are still connected in one network. Users also capable to print documents directly on the machine whose data has been recorded in the machine history that has been stored in the multifunction copier's memory. For instance the format of leave, letterhead, and others.

5. Cost Recovery

When the report feature is utilized, customers can find out the amount of usage every month. By looking at who’s from the employee that (photocopying and printing) from which multifunction machine, the cost recovery feature of the information can be more detailed and comprehensive. For a consultant or contractor company, for example, a project manager can handle 5 projects at once. Now, this feature allows allocating print jobs based on each project, with one user login. So it's easy to track how many documents printed for project A, how much for project B and so on.

6. Print Mobile

The definition of mobile print here is interpreted as ordering printing through gadgets such as smartphones or tablets connected in the same network. So as to support work with high mobility and modernity.

Please note that before deciding which Print Management System software solution is suitable for customer application, a survey will be conducted by a sales and analyst team from Astragraphia Document Solution. The survey will be carried out, among others, based on the workflow habits in the company (flow document), the number of multifunctional photocopiers, infrastructure, preferences, to the extent of the reports needed by the customer. If it needed, modifications to the software can be done to adjust to customer needs. Currently, the team from Astragraphia Document Solution is developing additional cloud-based software, the Accounting Report Information on Cloud (ARTIC), to support the Print Management System.


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