ASTRAGRAPHIA Presents Data Capture Solutions in Collaboration with Opentext to Improve Customer Experience and Ease in Managing Company Documents Digitally

Data Capture

Jakarta, May 19, 2022 – ASTRAGRAPHIA is hosting an online customer webinar as a tangible manifestation of its commitment to supporting productivity and expanding the adoption of the New Workstyle for the business sector and businesses in Indonesia. Customers from various business and business sectors in Indonesia will attend the webinar titled "The Process of Digitizing Corporate Documents with Data Capture Solution" on Thursday, 19 May 2022, from 09:00 until the end.

The first spokesperson was Arief Herdiansah from PT Astra Graphia Tbk's Enterprise Document Solution ECM Product Marketing. He explained what business challenges companies are currently facing, digital transformation trends, and how companies that are undergoing digital transformation are adapting their strategies.

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Several points were conveyed by Arief Herdiansah regarding the adaptation of the digital and technological transformation process that is currently happening due to the pandemic, the sector has indirectly experienced less contact with the economy and society. Not only that, every day they have to be faced with the problem of managing various manual and very complex piles of paper-based documents. The webinar is more interactive with live polls from presenters who want to know the stages of document workflow management (Scan, Classify, Capture, Validate). The most important thing is that any obstacle prevents the user from working quickly and safely. Based on this initiative, it is increasingly supported by the desire to be able to work freely and can be used anywhere and anytime.

In collaboration with Opentext, Astragraphia presented Veon Cheng as a Senior Solutions Consultant to introduce a Data Capture solution as an answer to the above problem. Data Capture is a solution for automating document workflow processes from manual to digital and minimizing human errors when managing all these documents. So that the corporate sector can implement faster and safer document workflow management. This webinar program runs interactively and was attended by 174 participants who are customers from the business sector and businesses from all over Indonesia. To increase the enthusiasm of the webinar participants, Astragraphia provides attractive prizes for participants who take part in the event from start to finish.

Astragraphia hopes that this Data Capture Solution will provide additional convenience and benefits for businesses seeking a value-added digital experience while also meeting customer needs for document workflow solutions with high productivity. Astragraphia and Opentext will continue to encourage more digital innovations through customer-centric document solutions in the future, for a #NewLeadingDigitalWorkplace from anywhere for all customers always to stay productive.

For more information on the OpenText solution and other Astragraphia products, as well as the benefits they provide, please contact Halo Astragraphia at 1500-345 Monday through Friday, 07.00 – 17.00 WIB, or visit:


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