Astragraphia Completes the 2023 Surabaya Open House Road Show Series in 3 Cities

Road Show Surabaya Open House

Surabaya, 26 October 2023 - Astragraphia is one of the leading companies in providing document and information technology solutions. On October 21, 2023, Astragraphia Surabaya Branch 2 has completed the 2023 Surabaya Open House Road Show series in three Surabaya cities/regencies, including: Malang, Probolinggo and Banyuwangi. This event, which was held over several weeks, aims to provide potential customers with in-depth insight into the latest solutions in document management and information technology tools from FUJIFILM Business Innovation and how Astragraphia is here to provide the best service in each city it visits.

The event, which carried the open house concept "Be the Next Revolution in Printing", was officially opened by the Branch Manager of Astragraphia Surabaya Branch 2, namely Mr. Yohanes Puguh, who said, "We are very happy to be able to share the latest knowledge and technology with our customers. We look forward to the series "This Open House Road Show, which has provided valuable insight and inspiration for them in facing increasingly complex business challenges. We are ready to continue to support them in developing their business with the latest solutions we offer and the excellent service we provide." The Astragraphia Surabaya 2 Open House Road Show aims to directly introduce products, solutions and services, which are the most important things in the office sector and the graphic art industry, so that Astragraphia can remain the main choice in all business sectors in Indonesia.

 Jadwal Pameran

 Road Show Surabaya Open House 2023







14-16 September 2023



6-8 Oktober 2023



19-21 Oktober 2023


This Open House Road Show series was held in Malang, Probolinggo and Banyuwangi; each city has a different agenda. The event was attended by various groups, from large companies to SMEs (small and medium enterprises), all of whom were interested in understanding how information technology and document management can help them improve their operational efficiency. At this event, we invite GA players in remote areas such as Malang, Probolinggo, Lumajang, Pasuruan, Banyuwangi and Situbondo to attend and try directly the solutions and services offered by Astragraphia. In this event, a variety of office and printer machines were displayed

Fujifilm Revoria Press SC170, Fujifilm ApeosPro C650 and Apeos C7070 Series The following are the highlights of each 2023 Road Show Open House event held by Astragraphia Surabaya Branch 2:

The Surabaya Open House Road Show focuses on introducing Fujifilm's newest solutions and how Astragraphia's services can reach these three areas. Astragraphia Surabaya Branch 2 introduces one of its newest machines, which was just launched in August 2023, as well as 2 other flagship machines that are in great demand by players in the GA industry. The event participants were very enthusiastic and involved in discussion sessions and product demos. Apart from that, the participants were also given information that the area where their business is located can be reached by services from Astragraphia, so they no longer need to worry about collaborating and using solutions from Astragraphia. The Astragraphia Business Consultant Team is also ready to provide an in-depth view of the advantages and challenges of adopting digital machines in the GA business.

At the three Road Show Open House 2023 events, participants had the opportunity to interact with Astragraphia Surabaya Branch 2 experts, ask about their specific needs, and get views on how the solutions offered could be integrated into their businesses. This series of events is proof of Astragraphia Surabaya Branch 2's commitment to providing added value to their customers while introducing services from Astragraphia. They recognize that technology is constantly evolving, and customers need to stay up-to-date on the latest solutions that can help them compete in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

"We are very pleased to be able to share the latest knowledge and technology with our customers. We hope that this Open House Road Show series has provided valuable insight and inspiration for them in facing increasingly complex business challenges. We are ready to continue to support them in developing their business with the latest solutions and services we offer."

The 2023 Astragraphia Surabaya Branch 2 Road Show Open House series has ended successfully, and they plan to continue to be committed to providing the best solutions to customers throughout Indonesia.


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