Astragraphia and Kemenparekraf Collaboration to Generate Bali Creative Industry

Bali Creative Online Class

The creative industry has had a difficult time in recent months due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a public company that fully supports the growth of the creative industry in Indonesia, Astragraphia collaborates with various parties to organize a series of Competence Aid Program (CAP) activities for MSME players in the creative industry who have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Astragraphia in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) has organized a CAP under the name "Batch Bali Creative Online Class". The Batch Bali Creative Online Class was held online on 7-9 July which was attended by 150 MSME players from the fashion, culinary, and craft sub-sectors by presenting several expert sources from Astragraphia, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and several other sources from local creative economy actors (kraft) Bali.

Bali is the main destination of this Creative Online Class because Bali is one of the areas in Indonesia that has been significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in recent months, especially in the creative and tourism industries.

Fitri Yuliani Opening Speech

The implementation of the Competence Aid Program is part of Astragraphia's CSR which has been routinely carried out. We want to help creative economy players in the province of Bali who is actually severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many have switched professions to become actors in the creative economy to make a living because the tourism industry is in decline. Through the Creative Online Class, we are here, of course, by thinking about the right theme for Balinese crafts actors. Hopefully what we do can lighten the burden a little on friends, increase knowledge, and have provisions when starting a business in the echography sector. I'm sure the burden will feel light if we carry it together. Not only Bali, next we will hold online classes for other tourist areas with Astragraphia. " said Yuana Rochma Astuti as Director of Creative Economy Marketing of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy when giving a speech in the Creative Online Class.

During the Creative Online Class, participants receive materials that are expected to help them survive and continue to fight during the Covid-19 pandemic. Participants were presented with three different class themes, namely "Sustaining Business in a Crisis", "Marketing Strategy in a New Normal Era", and "Onboarding in a Market Place". One of the main topics that are given every day is creative packaging on-demand to encourage participants to make product packaging that is more creative, attractive and provides added value so as to increase the competitiveness of their products.

CAP, Astragraphia's Form of Contribution to Indonesia's Creative Industry

CAP or Competence Aid Program is one of PT Astra Graphia Tbk (Astragraphia's) public contributions in the education pillar, in the form of continuous training for the community carried out by Astragraphia employees since 2000. In line with the company's business transformation in the printing and digital fields, Astragraphia is now focusing on expanding the reach of CAP to MSME players engaged in the creative industry by providing training on digital printing and packaging on demand.

Astragraphia is part of the Astra Group, which has noble corporate values ​​by continuing to implement beneficial programs for the community. This is in line with the company's culture to continue to provide benefits to the nation and life (Valuable to the Nation and Life).

"Over the last few years, Astragraphia has been committed to encouraging the growth of the creative industry in Indonesia. We realize this commitment through various activities from city to city, community to community. Therefore, to continue the spirit and commitment of the company in supporting the creative industry, and by seeing the magnitude of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic for creative industry players, we together with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy present Creative Online Classes with various labor-intensive training materials for creative industry players in Bali, " explained Melinda Pudjo as Chief of Corporate Secretary and Communications Astragraphia.

As a form of full support for arousing Bali's creative industry, Astragraphia gives appreciation to participants in creative online classes by providing certificates, free business publications on the OFiSKITA channel (umbrella brand from Astragraphia's business portfolio), and various prizes that are expected to be maximally utilized for the development of product identity they offer to the market

Printing Industry Innovation Supports the Growth of the Creative Industry

Creative Economy Gross Domestic Product (GDP) always increases every year. Currently, the largest contributor to GDP from the echography sector comes from the culinary, fashion, and crafts subsectors. The three sub-sectors certainly require the existence of a supporting industry such as printing in creating attractive product displays such as packaging, labeling, or product catalogs. One of the needs that need to be considered by MSME players engaged in the creative industry is a solution for printing packaging and labeling on demand (flexibility in the number of printed messages). This requires a printshop - as a printing industry player - to facilitate the printing needs of MSME players with their own printing machines.

Therefore, to support the growth of the creative industry as a whole, Astragraphia is promoting print and pack solutions for print shops throughout Indonesia by marketing digital printing machines, finishing machines, direct to garment (DTG) printing machines, to digital offset printing machines. The existence of all printing machines offered by Astragraphia for print shops is expected to be able to answer the needs of printing unique, modern, and colorful product displays for creative industry players so that they can multiply the value of a creative product so that they can compete in the market.



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