This is 3 Hours Down Time (3HDT), ASTRA Standard Service on Your Astragraphia Multifunction Device


Astragraphia Document Solution – The growing business development of document solution providers in Indonesia has led to increased competition. As one of the leading document solution providers in Indonesia, Astragraphia must have the advantage to be able to compete and survive to win the competition. One way that can be used to achieve these advantages is to apply the right quality of service and product quality so as to increase customer satisfaction from Astragraphia and create consumer loyalty.

Then, how is Astragraphia done?

Astragraphia provides ASTRA standard services for its customers with the “3 Hours Downtime” program. Astragraphia Document Solution guarantees to try to help customers in their 'critical hours'.

What are 3 Hours Down Time?

Astragraphia Document Solution tries to provide the best service for After-Sales Service with 3 Hours Repair Time for multifunction devices produced by Astragraphia. 3 Hours Downtime or 3HDT not only includes response time, this program is designed to provide repairs within three hours. 3HDT is an after-sales service provided by Astragraphia Document Solution as a form of gratitude for customers' trust by purchasing multifunctional device products from Astragraphia. This is done because they understand that the investments that customers make need to be supported so that these devices can always operate productively in support of the company's daily business and operations.

Constraints that customers usually encounter with Astragraphia multifunction devices can be handled quickly with Customer Engineers who are always ready to help. 3HDT has spread across 32 branches with 93 service points throughout Indonesia.

Back in 2015, Astragraphia designed a service innovation called 3HDT (3 Hours Down Time). 3HDT is a service to support the EDS (Enterprise Document Solution) business portfolio. Through this service, Astragraphia promises customers to repair problematic multifunction devices within three hours of receiving a report from the customer.

In 2016, 3HDT was awarded the Business Record (ReBi) Award, which is the highest form of appreciation and recognition given to a company or organization for their success and dedication in producing various works and best achievements in their respective industries. This award is the result of several stages carried out, namely the screening of nominations carried out by the Business Record committee (ReBi), data verification, and proof/explanation of record claims before the Jury. The jury presented were business experts, journalists, academics, and consultants.

If you are an Astragraphia customer, who purchased a multifunction device through Astragraphia, you can enjoy the after-sales service 3 Hours Downtime program by calling Halo Astragraphia 1500 345 or by contacting our Business Consultant Team.

For more detailed information about the 3HDT program, please visit here


Adapted from Accessed on June 17, 2021


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