How Artificial Intelligence works in printer ?

During this global era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is trusted to have a strategic role in realizing "Making Indonesia 4.0" which will become the base of Indonesia's economic growth in the future. Making Indonesia 4.0 itself is guidance for implementing Industry 4.0 that still being prepared by the Indonesian government. Industry 4.0 talks about the implementation of automation and data exchange technology in the industrial sector. Thus, what are the five main technologies that will become the basis for the implementation of Industry 4.0? The main technologies include Internet of Things (IoT), AI or artificial intelligence, Human Machine Interface, robotics and sensor technology, and 3D Printing technology.
2018 is the year where artificial intelligence invading and working for humans. This also happened in the print industry world including Xerox. The artificial intelligence of Xerox also works for print providers nowadays. Here are five examples of artificial intelligence in the Xerox print industry:
Smart Algorithms, Xerox FreeFlow software looks for different document layouts, for instance optimizing imposition to minimize print waste.
In Direct Mail and Catalogues, due to the more data about recipient e-mails that available today, now you can create more relevant letters with the data that also can adjusting job content for the recipients automatically.
In Job Submissions, Xerox FreeFlow smart software can monitor which printing machines are busy and direct new jobs to the available printing machines.
Self- monitoring, Some Printer, such as iGen 5, continues to examine itself with several sensors. It uses this information to make adjustments in real-time processes for things like paper alignment and image quality. This automation provides the best print results without humanintervention.
Data about The Press, can be sent back to Xerox using tools and algorithms for analyzing, being compared with the expected performance, and identifying the software updates or adjustments that must be made by technicians. Predictive analysis that determines service requirements before a machine failure, turns out to be closer than you think. It all means that more complex jobs will become more automated, and printing machines will be more productive and can be served faster.
Printing companies get a great opportunity to utilize existing software and tools to bring artificial intelligence into their business. Artificial intelligence gives the printing business a great opportunity to use online data or made a printed catalogued or targeted bulletins depends on which pages that the customer sees.
Source: Fuji Xerox,